Thursday, July 30, 2009


I'm not a writer, nor have I ever claimed to be. It's just not one of my talents. So don't expect to find any literary masterpieces in my ramblings on these pages. There are several blogs that I follow regularly and I've decided to join the ranks. As a Texas girl living in Austria, I'm hoping this blog will give me the chance to keep my family and friends up-to-date on my daily life and experiences. Happy reading!


HoustonGurly said...

Welcome to the blog world! :)

Alison G said...

Thanks! I'm feeling a little overchallenged with the whole thing, but it's kind of fun. Just one thing, is there a reason I can't find my blog when I google it? Does it take a while to show up?

HoustonGurly said...

It takes a while... You have to Google it from different computers a few times for it to work.

JAS-- said...

I'd give you a big shout out from NC, where we're currently visiting our grandchildren at the beach, but perhaps a yodel out would be more appropriate? :) Glad to see you've joined the blogosphere. You have some really interesting perspective to share.